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"Dangerous, from Mark Ryden to Michael Jackson : Pop culture in the pantheon of Fine Arts"


Dangerous… Not just a painting... a masterpiece by Mark Ryden. Dangerous… not just an album... a magnum opus by Michael Jackson. In Dangerous’s composition, mix, interactions, division along lines of genre and eclecticism, we have a dialogue between two artists, a concerto for painter and orchestra, for singer and artist’s palette. Dangerous is not only a visual and sound fresco, it is also an album cover artwork destined for mass distribution. The impact of the work overtakes its consumerist goal. It isn’t reserved only to the elite who visit museums but goes to meet the spirit of the entire world, ready to rise to the challenge of sound, or even its meaning. The fruit of the meeting between two artistic spirits impassioned by the cultural eclecticism of the world and its civilizations, ready to leap over the division of genres and styles to create another universe or, simply, to propose another perspective on this one, this work is unique of its kind. It was inspired. It has inspired. It continues to inspire. However, it stands forever as a conjunction of two forms of singular and multi-disciplinary intelligences that are Mark Ryden the Painter, and Michael Jackson, the Artist.

(EN) Dangerous, from Mark Ryden to Michael Jackson

25,00 €Prix
    • Publisher : Delatour France
    • Code EAN : 9782752103048
    • Pagination : 260
    • Output format : Printed format
    • Material : Book
    • Format : A5
    • Language : English
    • Date of publication : 2016
    • Category : Biography - Interviews.
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